Getting Project Data when created

Hi everyone,
I need to use the API to monitor when an estimate is converted to a project or more simply when a project is created.
Then I’ll grab the new projects info.

  1. Can I just list all the current projects and check a creation date? or is there a better way to approach this?
  2. Do projects have a Get Project for Printing like Invoices do? (ie. var invoice = Invoice.GetInvoiceChildForPrinting(inv.InvoiceID, false)
    I know there is a “Project.GetProject” method. not sure how to get a list of project numbers first, to use it.
    Do I use a stocking location? There must be a simple way.

In the end im looking for this data, in a project

  • Customer ID
  • Job description
  • Job site address

Apparently my list of things to gather also includes:
Financial dimensions
Budgeted job revenue and breakdown
Not sure if that’s even possible yet.

Kind regards

Hi, MarkJoyce.

Can I just list all the current projects and check a creation date?

To investigate if “Project” is the best Business Object to utilize in this case, could you kindly send us a screenshot of the UI for the list mentioned above.

Thanks for posting

Hello, MarkJoyce

We think we see the issue here. You’re confusing the semantics of a “job” and a “project”. A Project is an object on a scaffold tag that is used to classify the project cost center for the scaffold (i.e. Capital, Maintenance, Turnaround).

What you want is a stocking location. If you start up Quantify you’ll see the treeview on the left, all of the jobsites, groups, scaffold tag locations are StockingLocations.

We have some sample code in C# that creates a jobsite which may help you out to get started.


Ok thanks I see the confusion sorry.
Hmm, Branch office

Sub branch

Job Site


Here is a process flow from the client who uses quantify

So what I should have asked was; how do I get a list of jobs and know when they have been created, ie by creation date. Obviously the 2.Quantify Job details in the diagram will contain details of the Parent Project.
with a method of
Can I just list all the current projects and check a creation date of their jobs.


foreach project

foreach job

if job.creationdate == today

do something.

Comment next to the swim lane diagram.
Before an estimate is converted the parent and or child job will need to be created. The estimate will sit at the branch and client level but needs a child job available for the conversion. There are two types of scenarios in where it can be converted to a new project or added to an existing but again the manual job creating would need to be triggered first.
I hope that is clearer.

I just reviewed the video I recorded with the client:
They referred to a Project as a Job. Its the combination of the Project and the estimate being turned into an invoice (the estimate is confirmed).
Notice in the table above “an estimate is confirmed and a Job/Project created in quantify.”
I played around with Stocking locations also, they don’t seem to have a creation date variable in the API, is it possible it’s available in the Jobsite? the parent.
None the less, my sudo code should have been.

foreach project

if project creationdate == today

do something

But I still cant see where to get this info.

Its ok for now I found another way to identify what I’m looking for.